Thursday, December 27, 2007
In the Olympic style, Weightlifting is a sport in which competitors attempt to lift heavy weights mounted on steel bars called barbells, the execution of which is a combination of power, flexibility, concentration, skill, will power, discipline, athleticness, fitness, technique, mental and physical strength. The "weightlifting" is often informally used to refer to weight training. Olympic weightlifting trains the athlete for functional strength, utilizing the body's major muscle groups. For this reason, the Olympic lifts (or simplified versions such as the power snatch or clean) are extensively used in training for other sports such as American Football.

Monday, December 17, 2007
Powerlifting vs. Weightlifting
In compare to classical Olympic weightlifting events, where an athlete raises a barbell from the floor to over his head, powerlifting movements are shorter. While both disciplines demand high levels of force production, weightlifting actually focuses more directly on the rapid force produced by dynamic efforts, meaning that "powerlifting" is really something of a misnomer. Support for powerlifting is growing worldwide, with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Indonesia, and Taiwan producing World Champions and World Record holders.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
bodybuilding tip - 2
Bodybuilders need to remember that Bodybuilding is a holistic effect. You should keep in mind that your lifestyle should be altered too, like your exercise should change. The first culprit is usually your diet. You will notice that many bodybuilders, both professional and amateur will have fairly strict diets that are well balanced in terms of carbohydrates and fats, but especially with protein. Keep an eye on your diet and soon you will be noticing lots of good changes! Sleep is another factor in controlling your body. If you short yourself on sleep, you'll find that you can do a lot less and that you won't be as alert or as active as you want to be. A good night's worth of sleep can be invaluable while you're working on your bodybuilding.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
External Medical Case Reviews.
If you are physician who start your own healthcare practice External Medical Case Reviews is your chance to get an outside and independent-look at your managed care plan's decision to deny you a health care service. If you want to request an external review you should call or write letter with the request for external review. Then you will get the packet that includes an authorization and a contact sheet. The sheet must be filled out by you, also you can list yourself, your health care provider (with his or her permission), and you can request a particular representative from the insurance company to participate if you wish. Besides any documents that you submit to the External Review Organization will be copied and sent to your insurance carrier. This procedure allows everyone to have the same information when the case is reviewed. Why it’s important? Because now any research that anyone on the panel has that would tend to show that doctors are adopting best practices or refuting undesirable practices.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Bodybuilding Competition
In competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders aspire to develop and maintain an aesthetically pleasing (by bodybuilding standards) body and balanced physique. The competitors show off their bodies by performing a number of poses.
A bodybuilder's size and shape are far more important than how much he or she can lift. The sport should therefore not be confused with strongman competition or powerlifting, where the main point is on actual physical strength, or with Olympic weightlifting, where the main point is equally split between strength and technique. Though superficially similar to the casual observer, the fields entail a different regimen of training, diet, and basic motivation.
Bodybuilding Competitions might be interesting.

A bodybuilder's size and shape are far more important than how much he or she can lift. The sport should therefore not be confused with strongman competition or powerlifting, where the main point is on actual physical strength, or with Olympic weightlifting, where the main point is equally split between strength and technique. Though superficially similar to the casual observer, the fields entail a different regimen of training, diet, and basic motivation.
Bodybuilding Competitions might be interesting.

Monday, October 15, 2007
Teenage bodybuilding
Bodybuilding have many competition categories for young entrants. Many current professional bodybuilders started weight training during their teenage years. Bodybuilders such as Lee Priest and Jay Cutler all started competing when they were teenagers. Today many teenagers compete in bodybuilding competitions.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Professional bodybuilding
Professional bodybuilding called also pro bodybuilding. It is a term that is used in the sport of bodybuilding, and may refer to several different concepts.
In the modern bodybuilding industry "Professional" generally means a bodybuilder who has won qualifying completions as an amateur and has earned a 'pro card' from the IFBB. Professionals earn the right to compete in sanctioned competitions including the Arnold Classic and the Night of Champions. Placings at such competitions in turn earn them the right to compete at the Mr. Olympia; the title is considered to be the highest accolade in the professional bodybuilding field.
Many natural bodybuilding organizations such as the Natural Physique Association and North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation also have professional ranks.

In the modern bodybuilding industry "Professional" generally means a bodybuilder who has won qualifying completions as an amateur and has earned a 'pro card' from the IFBB. Professionals earn the right to compete in sanctioned competitions including the Arnold Classic and the Night of Champions. Placings at such competitions in turn earn them the right to compete at the Mr. Olympia; the title is considered to be the highest accolade in the professional bodybuilding field.
Many natural bodybuilding organizations such as the Natural Physique Association and North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation also have professional ranks.

Monday, October 1, 2007
Muscle is contractile tissue of the body and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. It is classified as skeletal, cardiac, or smooth muscle, and its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Much of muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival, like the contraction of the heart, or peristalsis (which pushes food through the digestive system).
Voluntary muscle contraction is used to move the body, and can be finely controlled, like movements of the eye, or gross movements like the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. There are two broad types of voluntary muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch fibers contract for long periods of time but with little force while fast twitch fibers contract quickly and powerfully but fatigue very rapidly. The Muscles are the most important part in Bodybuilding.

Voluntary muscle contraction is used to move the body, and can be finely controlled, like movements of the eye, or gross movements like the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. There are two broad types of voluntary muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch fibers contract for long periods of time but with little force while fast twitch fibers contract quickly and powerfully but fatigue very rapidly. The Muscles are the most important part in Bodybuilding.

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Overtraining - Bodybuilding
Overtraining refers to when a bodybuilder has trained to the point where his workload exceeds his recovery capacity. There are many reasons that overtraining occurs, including lack of adequate nutrition, lack of recovery time between workouts, insufficient sleep, and training at a high intensity for too long.
Training at a high intensity too frequently also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can result in a hyper-adrenergic state that interferes with sleep patterns. To avoid overtraining, intense frequent training must be met with at least an equal amount of purposeful recovery. Timely provision of carbohydrates, proteins, and various micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, even nutritional supplements are acutely critical.

It has been argued that overtraining can be beneficial. One article published by Muscle and Fitness magazine stated that you can "Overtrain for Big Gains". It suggested that if one is planning a restful holiday and they do not wish to inhibit their bodybuilding lifestyle too much, they should overtrain before taking the holiday, so the body can rest easily and recuperate and grow. Overtraining can be used advantageously, as when a bodybuilder is purposely overtrained for a brief period of time to super compensate during a regeneration phase.
These are known as "shock micro-cycles" and were a key training technique used by Soviet athletes. However, the vast majority of overtraining that occurs in average bodybuilders is generally unplanned and completely unnecessary.
Training at a high intensity too frequently also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can result in a hyper-adrenergic state that interferes with sleep patterns. To avoid overtraining, intense frequent training must be met with at least an equal amount of purposeful recovery. Timely provision of carbohydrates, proteins, and various micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, even nutritional supplements are acutely critical.

It has been argued that overtraining can be beneficial. One article published by Muscle and Fitness magazine stated that you can "Overtrain for Big Gains". It suggested that if one is planning a restful holiday and they do not wish to inhibit their bodybuilding lifestyle too much, they should overtrain before taking the holiday, so the body can rest easily and recuperate and grow. Overtraining can be used advantageously, as when a bodybuilder is purposely overtrained for a brief period of time to super compensate during a regeneration phase.
These are known as "shock micro-cycles" and were a key training technique used by Soviet athletes. However, the vast majority of overtraining that occurs in average bodybuilders is generally unplanned and completely unnecessary.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Female bodybuilding
Female bodybuilding is the female component of competitive bodybuilding. It began in the late 1970s when women began to take part in bodybuilding competitions.
There is a lot of wrong information out there on the subject of building muscle mass and how to stay fit. We're being told about how difficult it is for women to gain some muscle mass due to our hormonal setup. Male trainers convince the majority of female trainers to go for the high reps method, thus burning fat and get "toned". Does that lead you to any results? Well, maybe, if you're totally new to training! Otherwise this will get you nowhere, but it will absolutely bore you out until you drop?
I can tell you, and I know I'm right, that anyone can reach their fitness goals.
The only things you need is Discipline, motivation, patience and perseverance and remember, practice makes perfect even regarding having these characteristics.

There is a lot of wrong information out there on the subject of building muscle mass and how to stay fit. We're being told about how difficult it is for women to gain some muscle mass due to our hormonal setup. Male trainers convince the majority of female trainers to go for the high reps method, thus burning fat and get "toned". Does that lead you to any results? Well, maybe, if you're totally new to training! Otherwise this will get you nowhere, but it will absolutely bore you out until you drop?
I can tell you, and I know I'm right, that anyone can reach their fitness goals.
The only things you need is Discipline, motivation, patience and perseverance and remember, practice makes perfect even regarding having these characteristics.

Sunday, August 5, 2007
bodybuilding Exercises-Barbell Shrug
Barbell Shrug is another exercises in the bodybuilding program.
Exercises Tips: Hold a barbell with both hands in front of you with your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your feet at shoulder width.
Stand straight up with the bar hanging at arms length. Droop shoulders
down as much as possible to start. Raise your shoulders up as far as you can go. You can also rotate your shoulders as you go up, going in a semicircular motion from front to rear. Then slowly return to the starting position. Can also be down with dumbbells.

Exercises Tips: Hold a barbell with both hands in front of you with your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your feet at shoulder width.
Stand straight up with the bar hanging at arms length. Droop shoulders
down as much as possible to start. Raise your shoulders up as far as you can go. You can also rotate your shoulders as you go up, going in a semicircular motion from front to rear. Then slowly return to the starting position. Can also be down with dumbbells.

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Natural bodybuilding
Natural bodybuilding may refer to one of several types of approach to the sport of bodybuilding. Most commonly it means bodybuilding without the use of illegal performance-enhancing
drugs such as anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.

Other times but rarely, those who refer to themselves as 'natural bodybuilders' may also, for personal or other reasons, choose to:
*Avoid legal and naturally-occurring substances that have been prepared in an unnatural way.
*Avoid legal and naturally-occurring substances that have been presented in an unnatural form .
*Avoid all legal substances that are not naturally-occurring.
*Avoid eating meat, and possibly animal products as well.
drugs such as anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.
Other times but rarely, those who refer to themselves as 'natural bodybuilders' may also, for personal or other reasons, choose to:
*Avoid legal and naturally-occurring substances that have been prepared in an unnatural way.
*Avoid legal and naturally-occurring substances that have been presented in an unnatural form .
*Avoid all legal substances that are not naturally-occurring.
*Avoid eating meat, and possibly animal products as well.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Type of Diet that Bodybuilders Follow
Just as with any type of diet, for weight loss or other reasons, easing into the right diet for bodybuilding is crucial for achieving success. To promote the greatest achievement, good bodybuilders follow three principle rules within their diets.

First, meals are smaller, and more frequent, which helps keep the body’s metabolism active. Secondly, each meal is carefully calculated to reflect a balance of 40 percent carbohydrates,
40 percent protein, and 20 percent healthy fats. And finally,
the calorie levels of meals should be “cycled” or varied so the body and metabolism
do not settle and become accustomed to any particular calorie level.

First, meals are smaller, and more frequent, which helps keep the body’s metabolism active. Secondly, each meal is carefully calculated to reflect a balance of 40 percent carbohydrates,
40 percent protein, and 20 percent healthy fats. And finally,
the calorie levels of meals should be “cycled” or varied so the body and metabolism
do not settle and become accustomed to any particular calorie level.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
bodybuilding Exercises
In bodybuilding you have a lot of exercises to do.
For example:
Bench Press
How much do ya bench?"
With it being so important, it is no wonder that people are constantly trying to increase their bench. Nothing feels as good as adding another plate to the bar when it's your turn to use the bench in your gym.
So what type of program should you follow if you want to add some serious weight in the shortest amount of time possible?
Give a detailed bench press strength program including what to do each day, how many days of the week to workout, how many reps and sets you should perform, and any other tips that will help somebody break their gym's bench press record!

For example:
Bench Press
How much do ya bench?"
With it being so important, it is no wonder that people are constantly trying to increase their bench. Nothing feels as good as adding another plate to the bar when it's your turn to use the bench in your gym.
So what type of program should you follow if you want to add some serious weight in the shortest amount of time possible?
Give a detailed bench press strength program including what to do each day, how many days of the week to workout, how many reps and sets you should perform, and any other tips that will help somebody break their gym's bench press record!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Nutrition in Bodybuilding
The high levels of muscle growth and repair achieved by bodybuilders require a specialized diet. Generally speaking, bodybuilders require more calories than the average person of the same height, bodybuilders need a higher amount of calories above their 'maintenance level' in order to increase muscle mass.A sub-maintenance level of food energy is combined with cardiovascular exercise to lose body fat in preparation for a contest. The ratios of food energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats vary depending on the goals of the bodybuilder.

Carbohydrates play an important role for bodybuilders. Carbohydrates give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. This is important as high-glycemic carbohydrates cause a sharp insulin response, which places the body in a state where it is likely to store additional food energy as fat rather than muscle, and which can waste energy that should be directed towards muscle growth. However, bodybuilders frequently do ingest some quickly-digesting sugars (often in form of pure dextrose or maltodextrin) after a workout. This may help to replenish glycogen stores within the muscle, and to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.Protein is probably one of the most important parts of the diet for the bodybuilder to consider. Functional proteins such as motor proteins which include myosin, kinesin, and dynein generate the forces exerted by contracting muscles.
Current advice says that bodybuilders should consume 25-30% of protein per total calorie intake to further their goal of maintaining and improving their body composition. This is a widely debated topic, with many arguing that 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is ideal, some suggesting that less is sufficient, and others recommending 1.5, 2, or more. It is believed that protein needs to be consumed frequently throughout the day, especially during/after a workout, and before sleep.There is also some debate concerning the best type of protein to take.
Chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs and dairy foods are high in protein, as are some nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. Casein or whey are often used to supplement the diet with additional protein. Whey protein is the type of protein contained in many popular brands of protein supplements, and is preferred by many bodybuilders because of its high Biological Value (BV) and quick absorption rates. Bodybuilders usually require higher quality protein with a high BV rather than relying on protein such as soy, which is often avoided due to its estrogenic properties.

Still, some nutrition experts believe that soy, flax seeds and many other plants that contain the weak estrogen-like compounds or phytoestrogens can be used beneficially as phytoestrogens compete with this hormone for receptor sites in the male body and can block its actions.
This can also include some inhibition of pituitary functions while stimulating the P450 system (the system that eliminates chemicals, hormones, drugs and metabolic waste product from the body) in the liver to more actively process and excrete excess estrogen.Bodybuilders usually split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals.
This process used to be considered a mechanism for increasing basal metabolic rate when compared to less frequent meals with the same energy content, but short-term research on non-bodybuilding subjects suggests that this may not the case.

Carbohydrates play an important role for bodybuilders. Carbohydrates give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. This is important as high-glycemic carbohydrates cause a sharp insulin response, which places the body in a state where it is likely to store additional food energy as fat rather than muscle, and which can waste energy that should be directed towards muscle growth. However, bodybuilders frequently do ingest some quickly-digesting sugars (often in form of pure dextrose or maltodextrin) after a workout. This may help to replenish glycogen stores within the muscle, and to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.Protein is probably one of the most important parts of the diet for the bodybuilder to consider. Functional proteins such as motor proteins which include myosin, kinesin, and dynein generate the forces exerted by contracting muscles.
Current advice says that bodybuilders should consume 25-30% of protein per total calorie intake to further their goal of maintaining and improving their body composition. This is a widely debated topic, with many arguing that 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is ideal, some suggesting that less is sufficient, and others recommending 1.5, 2, or more. It is believed that protein needs to be consumed frequently throughout the day, especially during/after a workout, and before sleep.There is also some debate concerning the best type of protein to take.
Chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs and dairy foods are high in protein, as are some nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. Casein or whey are often used to supplement the diet with additional protein. Whey protein is the type of protein contained in many popular brands of protein supplements, and is preferred by many bodybuilders because of its high Biological Value (BV) and quick absorption rates. Bodybuilders usually require higher quality protein with a high BV rather than relying on protein such as soy, which is often avoided due to its estrogenic properties.

Still, some nutrition experts believe that soy, flax seeds and many other plants that contain the weak estrogen-like compounds or phytoestrogens can be used beneficially as phytoestrogens compete with this hormone for receptor sites in the male body and can block its actions.
This can also include some inhibition of pituitary functions while stimulating the P450 system (the system that eliminates chemicals, hormones, drugs and metabolic waste product from the body) in the liver to more actively process and excrete excess estrogen.Bodybuilders usually split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals.
This process used to be considered a mechanism for increasing basal metabolic rate when compared to less frequent meals with the same energy content, but short-term research on non-bodybuilding subjects suggests that this may not the case.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Powerlifting is a quality of being strong sport, consisting of three events: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. The maximum weight lifted in each event is totalled for a final score.
lifters compete in bodyweight classes. Powerlifting is of relatively modern origin, with the first formal competitions occurring in the mid 1960s.It is open to both men and women.

Powerlifting, like weightlifting, offers weight categories allowing athletes to display relative strength. This is why accomplished powerlifters vary in size- from the massive Scot Mendelson who holds the current world bench press record, to the diminutive Lamar Gant who could deadlift over five times his own body weight.
lifters compete in bodyweight classes. Powerlifting is of relatively modern origin, with the first formal competitions occurring in the mid 1960s.It is open to both men and women.

Powerlifting, like weightlifting, offers weight categories allowing athletes to display relative strength. This is why accomplished powerlifters vary in size- from the massive Scot Mendelson who holds the current world bench press record, to the diminutive Lamar Gant who could deadlift over five times his own body weight.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The Bodybuilding history.
Bodybuilding (the art of displaying the muscles) did not really exist prior to the late 19th century, when it was promoted by a man from Prussia named Eugen Sandow, who is now generally referred to as "The Father of Modern Bodybuilding".
He is credited as being a pioneer of the sport because he allowed an audience to enjoy viewing his physique in "muscle display performances". Although audiences thrilled seeing a well developed physique, those men simply displayed their bodies as part of strength

demonstrations or wrestling matches. Sandow had a stage show built around these displays through his manager, Florenz Ziegfeld. He became so successful at it, he later created several businesses around his fame and was among the first to market products branded with his name alone. As he became more popular, he was credited with inventing and selling the first exercise equipment for the masses (machined dumbbells, spring pulleys and tension bands).
The Bodybuilding history is very interesting.
He is credited as being a pioneer of the sport because he allowed an audience to enjoy viewing his physique in "muscle display performances". Although audiences thrilled seeing a well developed physique, those men simply displayed their bodies as part of strength

demonstrations or wrestling matches. Sandow had a stage show built around these displays through his manager, Florenz Ziegfeld. He became so successful at it, he later created several businesses around his fame and was among the first to market products branded with his name alone. As he became more popular, he was credited with inventing and selling the first exercise equipment for the masses (machined dumbbells, spring pulleys and tension bands).
The Bodybuilding history is very interesting.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
What is Power Lifting?
Power Lifting consists of 3 disciplines - Squat, Bench Press and Dead Lift. A full power competition is the best of all 3 lifts added together to give a final total. There are however single lift competitions which allow those lifters who excel in 1 particular area to do just their preferred event.
Power Lifting is open to all levels of lifter from novice to expert, male and female, regular and TA. There are 3 steps to getting involved with the Army Power Lifting team.
Power Lifting consists of 3 disciplines - Squat, Bench Press and Dead Lift. A full power competition is the best of all 3 lifts added together to give a final total. There are however single lift competitions which allow those lifters who excel in 1 particular area to do just their preferred event.
Power Lifting is open to all levels of lifter from novice to expert, male and female, regular and TA. There are 3 steps to getting involved with the Army Power Lifting team.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Bodybuilding is the process of developing muscle fibres through the combination of weight training, specific caloric intake, and rest. Someone who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. As a sport, called competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders display their physiques to a panel of judges, who assign points based on their aesthetic appearance.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
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